Saturday, August 31, 2002
Bah... Done absolutely NOTHING all day XD I was so bored I actually *Gasp* added to some of my fics! XD Yes Annie, I will go to my boards soon... hmmm maybe I should post the link here so people can see how freakishly odd I really am! XD I prolly will but it's too late now, I have to go to sleep soon even though I won't fall asleep until 4 AM T.T Anyways.... um for the past hour I've been reading every old fic I've written... Annie, prepare yourself... I'm going to finish the W/T W/O fic I started in like February XD BUT I'm not going to just add to it, I'm going to redo every chapter. WHY DID YOU TELL ME MY WRITING USED TO BE THAT HORRIBLE?!?!??! Ok, it's not *much* better now, but it is still better! XD Anyways, ok... hmmmm... OH yeah XD to read some of the fics I searched for my old username, CharmedGirl XD And I saw my profile. And the link to my old site. See the HORRIBLE site here! XD OMG it's sucks so bad XD But it amuzzled me for a lil while anyways. And I. Am. In. Love. With. My. Bed. Seriously, if there's anyone out there that likes me *gag cough* no likely *gag cough* too bad for you... I LOVE MY NEW BED XD Ok sorry. It's just SO pro and it's SOOOOO much bigger than the one I had before XD Ok, I'm going to go now... I didn't have much to say, but I just wanted to say something because I have not not (have to have a daily dose of double negative in your day!) posted a day since I started the blog XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:55 PM
Friday, August 30, 2002
Emma's schedule...
0 : PE : Wood <------ awwwwwww i have wilhoit
1 : Band : Smart <---------- XD yay!
2: Algebra : Embree <------------ awwwww
3/4 : Humanitites : Van Dam <----------- whroar first person to have 3/4!
5 : Spanish : Williams <-------------awwwwwww
6 : Life Science : O'Brien <-------------- T.T
O.O We only have band and PE together O.O awwwwwwww
Michi poinged randomly at 6:13 PM
Lulu's schedule...
1 embree algebra <------- bah
2 mayfield tech <-------u suck, SWITCH TO HEALTH -,-
3 pe <---------- whroar i had PE 3rd period last year... 3rd period rocks... BUT I'M NOT IN IT THIS YEAR
4 williams spanish <------ see now if annie switches to 4th than u can be together!
5/6 poole <------ yay!!!! I HAVE A CLASS WITH YOU! XD OMG so many ppl are in 5/6 poole XD
Michi poinged randomly at 2:44 PM
Galaxy's schedule...
0 period wilhoit <------ with me!
adv. band <--------- with me!
2 tech <---------health instead
3 algebra embree <-------- with me!
4 french <--------with me!
5/6 sanders <--------- awwwwwww not with me, i have poole
Whroar, I have everything but health and humanities with Galaxy XD AND SOMEONE I KNOW IS ACTUALLY TAKING FRENCH!!!!! XD I THOUGHT THAT LIKE NO ONE WAS TAKING IT! XD
Michi poinged randomly at 1:09 PM
VMAs... The VMAs were very cool XD And very amuzzling XD Kaka, it was cool seeing Avril and Michelle win. I dun remember much else, I mean I remember some stuff, I just didn't really concentrate on who won or whatever. It was very cool though XD
Bed... Yay, I'm getting my bed today XD
I'm bored, nothing else. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:11 AM
Thursday, August 29, 2002
Annie's schedule...
0 period - wood
1 advanced band
2 spanish
3 health
4 algebra -embree
5/6 humanities - sanders
Hey! Not fair! We only have 0 period *different roll calls* and band. Well hopefully your spanish will be 4th period, your health will be second, and your algebra will be 3rd, so it'll be like mine, or my algebra and health will switch so at least i'll have health with you XD
Michi poinged randomly at 5:30 PM
Sherry's schedule...
0 per pe- wood <----- bah i got wilhoit XD
1 per band- smart <----------- yay, same! XD
2 per algebra- embree <---------- got 3rd period, but could change
3 per appld tech- mayfield <----------- health first trimester and i have it 2nd period, could change, but oh well
4 per drama- robinson <------------- with adri and rotem XD
5/6 humanities- sanders <----------- poole, bah whatever
So I have PE, though different roll call, and band with sherry XD
Michi poinged randomly at 3:44 PM
Adri's schedule...
0 : PE : wilhoit <------------- WITH ME! XD
1-2 : gate humanities : poole <--------------- i got poole but not 1/2... whroar i can't imagine having humanities 1/2 XD
3 : life science : obrien <----------- bah i got health first and i got it 2nd period... course that could change XD
4 : drama : robinson <-------- you hab drama with rotem! XD
5 : adv. orchestra : smart <-------------- ha i'm in band, not orchestra XD
6 : algebra : staff <-------------- bah
We dun have any classes together but PE XD
Michi poinged randomly at 3:02 PM
Rotem's schedule...
*this could change ^_~*
1 PE - Wilhoit
2 Life Science - dunno who teaches it
3 Algebra - Embree <------ that's with me! Hopefully this won't change for either of us XD
4 Drama - dunno who teaches it
5/6 Humanities - Poole <----- That's with me too! Yay!
So Rotem's schedule is basically like mine except she has PE instead of 2nd elective, life science instead of health, and drama instead of french XD
Michi poinged randomly at 1:33 PM
Registeration!... Just got back from registeration XD I saw Sarah, Rotem, Vahishta, Jackie, Lillian and Sherry (though I didn't talk to them), and a bunch of other people who I'm not friends with but I recognized a lot of people XD
0 Period PE - Wilhoit <-----Yay! I like Mrs. Wilhoit best XD
1 Advanced Band - Mr. Smart <---------- no one else teaches it lol, so i dun mind having him XD everyone who had him last year said he's nice XD
2 Health - Molway <-------- dunno bout Molway, but I don't want to take health aka sex ed -.- Oh well, at least I'm getting it done with first trimester and can laugh at those who have health 2 and 3 trimester XD
3 Algebra - Embree <------ heard that she was the better one to have XD yay XD
4 French - Otto <------ everyone hates her, but I don't care. I WANT TO LEARN FRENCH XD Although I don't know anyone who's taking french, lol
5/6 Humanities - Poole <------ Rotem and Jackie also have Poole right now... dunno about anyone else... but I'm glad I have 5/6 humanities... dunno bout Poole though
This is only a tentative schedule, but the only things that could change would be health and algebra because i have to have 0 period PE 0 period, advanced band is only taught 1st period, french is only taught 4th, and so I can only have humanities 5/6. XD I'll post other people's tentative schedules as soon as they tell me. SO TELL ME XD
Michi poinged randomly at 1:31 PM
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
Spectrum!... Yay, just got back from the spectrum! OMG it was sooooo fun XD Annie and I got there late, but Rotem and Jackie and Lulu were even later, so I went and bought the NFG cd *cheers loudly and bounces around*. Annie and I finally decided to buy the tickets to xXx and go in. We stopped and bought snacks and that's when we saw Rotem, Jackie, and Lulu come in. We got in just as the previews were ending XD xXx ROCKED even though it was completely predictable XD Went to Barnes and Noble and Lulu obsessed over an Angel book. Then we left, went to the candy store (YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE EATEN 9 PIXIE STICKS, ANNIE!) and then went to Hot Topic and various places. Finally it was 8 so we had to go. XD It was so pro XD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:14 PM
Tuesday, August 27, 2002
Spectrum... OMG Rotem called me at like 6:30 to ask if I wanted to go to the Spectrum with her and a bunch of people! This is sooooo cool! I haven't seen any of my friends since June! OMG I can't wait! And something to occupy myself, considering as I am SO freaking bored recently! XD The rest of the day I've done absolutely nothing... bah... but yay! Can't wait to go to the Spectrum tomorrow! We're going to see xXx (Triple X) and I am going to buy the NFG CD! *cheers* XD
Michi poinged randomly at 8:40 PM
Monday, August 26, 2002
;_; Piper... OMGOMGOMG O.O O.O My mom came into the room and Piper freaked out and I accidentally stepped on her tail and she tried to fly away and she did but all but 2 of her tailfeathers were pulled out! O.O My poor baby! ;_; Right now she's extremely terrified from me. I feel so awful ;_;
Michi poinged randomly at 10:31 PM
Wanna know why there's been no updates? BECAUSE NOTHING IS HAPPENING!!! I'M SO FREAKING BORED!!! Ok, seriously Annie, ask your mom if you can go to the spectrum Sunday, because I NEED the NFG CD and it will give me something to do~! BAH! And seriously... OBSESSIVE! Bah, I'm one to talk ^_~ Anyways... can't wait til registeration... not cuz of school... but just so I have sometin to DO and so I can see all mah homies~~~ XD That sounds so dorky LOL XD *cough*OBSESSIVE*cough* ANNIE XD My god, really, how did you get obsessed with all that crap? Like... all of a sudden... it's all you talk about! Of course all I'm talking about is NFG and Charmed, so I shouldn't be like criticizing you XD Bah, I dun mind, but it's like... scary... all of a sudden you're so obsessive O.O Bah, boredness shall ensue -.-
Michi poinged randomly at 6:49 PM
Sunday, August 25, 2002
Charmed... Wow, it's just awesome! As much as I hate season 4, I still love Charmed. Holly Marie Combs and Rose McGowan are just such amazing actresses. And Alyssa Milano is... well... I just try not to look at her. I mean seriously, she does not wear enough clothing for her to be considered dressed. But ah well. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 8:58 PM
Boo!... Bah, still so fucking bored... someone come on-line! -.-;;; Can't wait until Charmed tonight XD Kaka lalala XD
Michi poinged randomly at 12:59 PM
It's morning!... I just noticed that! Well ok, not really. My heache's better XD 'cept I still have a slight one =( Bah. And after listening to my burned NFG CD all night long and all this morning, I've decided that I NEED their CD! Why get their CD when I have an exact burned copy? Cuz I'm weird =P And cuz in the middle of one of the songs it skips slightly and then continues. And cuz I need to give my burned copy to Annie so she listens to NFG. LISTEN, DAMN YOU! XD Bah, we MUST go to the spectrum next Sunday XD Kaka. Anyways... Charmed tonite ~~~ yay XD Bah, that's it, I'm just bored, this is a distraction XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:11 AM
Saturday, August 24, 2002
Sluggy... OMG!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! *hugs Pete* ZOE'S BACK! ZOE ZOE ZOE ZOE SHE'S BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! XD If you have no idea what I'm talking about, click on the link under the links section that is titled "Sluggy". Sluggy is an online comic which is hilarious! XD OMG I'm so happy! XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:07 PM
Headache... Bah, I have such a bad headache =( BAH =(
Whatever... LMAO!!! ANNIE THOSE PICS YOU MUTILATED ARE SO FUNNY! XD Bwahahaha and I'm very proud that I'm turning you into an anti-Alyssa Milanoist. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 8:50 PM
NFG... Lol, been listening to New Found Glroy all afternoon XD
Damn computer... Internet connection went wonky~ had to defragmant the whole disk and it took 2 hours -.-
Funny... This is such a fucking funny page XD Clicky Here! XD
Michi poinged randomly at 5:54 PM
Bah... I dun care if you hate KAZAA Annie, YOU GOTTA LISTEN TO NFG!!!
Michi poinged randomly at 12:31 PM
OMG OMG OMG... Bah, ok, I think I've finally launched my New Found Glory obsession. I listened to half the songs on their newest CD, from their site (they have them up there) but then my mom came home so I had to stop listening to them. It was cuz they were at full blast, and even if I turned down the sound the lowest setting that I could still hear it, she would be able to hear it from across the house anyways. I mean, it's weird. It can be all the way turned down and across the house she can still hear it, but if I'm standing right next to her and I practically shout, 5 times no less, "What's for dinner?" she can't hear me. ::rolls eyes:: Parents. But back on topic, NEW FOUND GLORY IS GOING TO BE PLAYING IN ANEHEIM IN OCTOBER!!! OK, a) I'm never going to be able to get tickets, b) my mom wouldn't allow me to go even if I got tickets (she doesn't trust me not to do drugs *rolls eyes again*) but even with both these factors, I'm still extremely hyped up XD
Michi poinged randomly at 11:25 AM
New Found Glory... Wow, they rock XD I just listened to "Understatement", it's so pro XD ANNIE, LISTEN TO NEW FOUND GLORY, OK? I mean, you like Simple Plan, so you'll like them XD
Im done with everything
That had to do with you
Dont worry your pictures are already burned
Im done with new friends
Dont sell yourself short
Youll lose it in the end
Michi poinged randomly at 10:55 AM
Bored of course... So, what's new, I'm bored! XD Listening to Simple Plan and I'm reading Friend's transcripts. LMAO they're so hilarious XD
God must hate me, he cursed me for eternity, god must hate me maybe you should pray for me, I'm stuck in hell and... I wanna go home!
I'm beginning to understand why Annie thinks I'm a manic depressive XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:06 AM
Friday, August 23, 2002
UNtelligance test...
You have a knack for greatness. For the record,you are:
81% Un-telligent!
which is significantly higher than the current average of 60%
Here is the custom report of your personality that led our team of geeks to conclude (with confidence) that you are resourceful and sly woman:
"The subject shows a very high level of intelligence, and her sense of observation is one of her best qualities. Considering this, she shows a lot of potential, but that's only part of the equation.
"Also, as much as we hate violence, an occasional mauling is one way to solve day-to-day problems like unpleasant coworkers or pesky door-to-door salesmen; she just isn't tough enough, sir, and she avoids any solution that involves violence.
"Finally, the subject displayed a healthy (better than most net freaks anyway) sense of humor, a decent and respectable sense of morality, and a barbaric self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals."
ROFLMAO! I've took this other times and they said that I was TOO inclined to violence as the answer XD BAH oh well LMAO at least this is a good score =P
Michi poinged randomly at 10:52 PM
UNtelligance test...
You have a knack for greatness. For the record,you are:
81% Un-telligent!
which is significantly higher than the current average of 60%
Here is the custom report of your personality that led our team of geeks to conclude (with confidence) that you are resourceful and sly woman:
"The subject shows a very high level of intelligence, and her sense of observation is one of her best qualities. Considering this, she shows a lot of potential, but that's only part of the equation.
"Also, as much as we hate violence, an occasional mauling is one way to solve day-to-day problems like unpleasant coworkers or pesky door-to-door salesmen; she just isn't tough enough, sir, and she avoids any solution that involves violence.
"Finally, the subject displayed a healthy (better than most net freaks anyway) sense of humor, a decent and respectable sense of morality, and a barbaric self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals."
ROFLMAO! I've took this other times and they said that I was TOO inclined to violence as the answer XD BAH oh well LMAO at least this is a good score =P
Michi poinged randomly at 10:52 PM
Wealth test...
Congratulations! Based on inflation, taxes, the anticipated world economy, melting icecaps, free love, the global yeast war of 2017, the Canadian depression of 2021, and your personal financial outlook, you can expect to be worth one million dollars at...
36 years old!
2003: You become a professional wrestler called "The Cathedral". Your special move,"The Flying Buttress", really catches on.
2006: You develop ground-breaking genetic techniques. However,two Whoopie Goldbergs now walk the earth, and it's all your fault. Total disaster.
2008: Kung-Fu impresses all the rich hos.
2011: A high-level magic-user steals your treasure horde. Your long sword with flametongue is useless when he casts "Freeze Balls".
"Hi, I'm Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, noted crap-monger, and star of TV's Melrose Place. I'm also a psychic. Anyway... I predict that your first million dollars will be made in 2021, in the following ways: "
$102,000 through insider trading.
$150,000 through lucrative nerd-ism, like me, Bill Gates.
$96,000 criminal mischief.
$357,000 working 9 to 5.
$144,000 'working' between the sheets.
$151,000 odd-jobs for the Pope.
LMAO can't wait for that!!!!!! XD Only... bah... 23 years -.-
Michi poinged randomly at 10:45 PM
Slut test...
XD Aren't I boring, LOL XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:35 PM
Gender test... Um... well... ::takes a deep breath::...
It all adds up...
You are definitely a woman!
Yay! XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:29 PM
Stress test...
You exhibit a stress percentage of
which barely registers. Get a job.
Your Stress Test answers indicate that to reduce your stress level even further you should eliminate at least one of the following from your life immediately:
ROFLMAO!!! Well that's cuz it's SUMMER! XD I dun DO anything in summer, therefore I'm unstressed~ And boy is it great XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:24 PM
Gay test...
You are 20% GAY!
That's less gay than average for someone of your gender and supposed orientation. The typical straight female is 32% gay!
XD Well yay for me, I'm 12% less gay than I should be. XD The lowest I've ever gotten on this quiz was 17% XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:19 PM
IQ test... LMAO XD
Your results have been tabulated, and your IQ is...
That's above average.
XD Well yay for me then XD Kaka
Michi poinged randomly at 10:13 PM
Laziness... 56% lazy XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:02 PM
Inner child...
Jason... Ok, what the fuck is wrong with that bird? My god, he keeps making all these chirpy complaining noises and it's seriously pissing me off. Bah.
Michi poinged randomly at 9:57 PM
Are you dateable?...
Mild congratulations, you are...
dateable! You are neither more not less dateable than your peers-- welcome to the land of mediocrity, home of the masses! You have an undeniable animal magnetism, but you're just as likely to attract small animals as you are to attract human beings. Nevertheless, the people you flirt with generally find you funny and cute, or "fute." You have good hygiene, which is an imporant aspect of relationships involving two or more people. Avoid seafood and walks in the woods.
Michi poinged randomly at 9:51 PM
Personality test...
(Dominant Introvert Abstract Feeler)
Like just 4% of the population you are an ARTIST (DIAF)--creative, adventurous, and deep. Although you are an introvert, your dominant ideas lead you to assert yourself often--especially through your work. You actively put your creativity to constructive use, and because you are ruled by your heart you are less likely to be inhibited by logic.
You have an intuitive understanding of emotion and know how evoke it in others, but the real world can be a prison of foolishness and embarrassment if you don't get your head out of the clouds a little more. Also, you are 87% likely to write poetry. Please, for the love of God, stop now.
Very true, I am completely and introvert. Creative... like to think so ^_~, Adventurous not so much, deep... i dunno XD Bah, I don't write poetry! ...anymore... JK I like wrote a few back in 5th grade during my depressed stage, but that was IT. I mean, in 5th grade I was so depressed all the time, even though I didn't seem like it on the outside. Thank god so much changed in 6th grade. Different story, told at a time which is around never ::nod:: Bah, so yes, I wrote like 3 poems... but that was it... and I haven't since then. So HA! YOU LIE, QUIZ! LMAO like all quizzes are always 100% true XD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:45 PM
New Found Glory... Just listened to "Hit or Miss" by New Found Glory... wow, I love it XD ::plans on dling more to listen to:: D/L it now, it rocks XD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:36 PM
Love test...
Greetings, confusoid. You scored a... 58%
Is it a bird? A plane? Is it a boy? A girl? Is it love, or is it lust? Ah, you. You are that rare mix of sensitive and sensual, romantic and randy, pride and prejudice, etc. When you see your crush, you waffle like a Belgian, unsure of whether you'd rather paint their toes or suck on their toes. Poets have long been puzzled by your kind. You'll never fall for robots or nymphos, but you will suffer longs bouts of marriage.
Michi poinged randomly at 9:33 PM
Bitch Test... Bah, I've taking all the tests at the Spark a lot, but I'm bored so I'm taking them again. Here's my bitchiness factor, which is slightly higher than the average of 38% XD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:25 PM
Interesting... I just heard that Ewan McGregor ::pokes Annie:: has been offered the role of Lupin in the 3rd Harry Potter movie. I personally don't know much about Ewan McGregor, if I'll even see the 3rd Harry Potter movie (damn the first one SUCKED!), or if this is even true, but I thought if anyone likes Ewan McGregor ::pokes Annie:: or Harry Potter ::pokes Rotem:: than you might wanna know this. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:18 PM
Sims... Bah, new expansion out for the sims in late September XD Must buy. Check it out here XD
Convo with my mom about this:
Me: So... there's a new sims expansion pack coming out late September.
Her: *blank look*
Me: *begins to ramble* Yeah, it's cool, you can get bunch of pets and crap like that... and... um.. well... there's other stuff you can do and... yeah... so...
Her: So?
Me: So I want to buy it! (Bah can't she take a hint? o_O)
Her: Ok. Then buy it.
Me: B-bu... *sighs* I don't have money. I am broke. I haven't gotten money since like... awhile... so I can't buy it!
Her: Ok.
Me: So... can you buy it for me?
Her: Buy what?
At that point I let out a scream of frustration and returned back to my little hole, aka my room. XD My mom is clueless at times. Actually she prolly knew what I was talking about and what I meant the whole time I was speaking... but she just likes to torture me. *rolls eyes* Actually she told me that for a fact earlier when we were buying books. Ah well.
Michi poinged randomly at 9:11 PM
Bookworm XD...
Book Worm Meter for Michelle |
Shut In 71% | | 29% Out Of The House |
Intellectual 77% | | 23% Moron | High Attention Span 95% | | 5% Low Attention Span | Bookitude 83% | | 17% Book Burner | Book Worm 81.5% | | 18.5% Bug Stomper |
Take your bookworm readings. |
To tell the truth I thought I'd be more of a bookworm XD
Michi poinged randomly at
8:59 PM
Worst Day Ever... And I feel like I'm living the worst day over and over again. I feel like the summer is leaving again. I feel like I'm leaving the worst day, I feel like your gone and every day is the worst day ever! Every day is the worst day ever!
So you'd think I'd be having a bad day from the above lyrics. Nope, I'm just really bored and I was listening to this song right now =P Anyways, what's up with me? Zip. Zilch. Nada. My god I'm so fucking bored! If you read this and you'd like to talk to a 13 year old female, please IM me on MSN ( because I'm going to burst from being so bored!
Michi poinged randomly at 8:05 PM
Hover link... Looky! Now the links are not only underlined when you hover over them, they are also overlined and they go to the little resize arrow XD Keke, I just thought that was pro XD
HAHAHAHA ANNIE!... I GOT THE OTHER 4 BOOKS OF THE "HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY" SERIES =P Ok, i dunno if you have them or not... but if you don't... BWAHAHAHAHA! If you do... well whatever. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 5:02 PM
Damn image hoster!... Blah, I was organizing everything even though I said I wouldn't because I'm a perfectionist, and now is down! BAH! Please let me know if you know of a good FREE image hoster OTHER THAN boomspeed,, sphosting, or village photo. It has to have a large or unlimited bandwith and has to have a lot of room for files. I'm really desperate right now!
Michi poinged randomly at 2:03 PM
Cliques section... Blah, I made it so there are two on most lines. It's a little unorganized, but I really don't care. And I doubt anyone else really cares anyways. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 1:37 PM
Fanlistings... Ok, I am DONE. I've probably missed a few that I would like to join, but after awhile I just got so bored of it. And I think I have enough ^_~ Anyways, I'm working on buttons for my blog. I've so far got 1, and too lazy to make any more, but I will have some soon, lol XD
Michi poinged randomly at 1:30 PM
Bored... Well this week has definitely been one of the most boring weeks of my life. Who wants to bet that next week will be the same? XD Bah, I can't wait until registeration... so bored right now! Whatever. There is seriously nothing to say, this is just something to occupy me for a minute. I'm thinking of changing the layout to green and blue instead of purple and pink. I love purple, but I hate pink. I don't know. I probably won't do it... to lazy to... even though it would provide a distraction for me.
Michi poinged randomly at 12:34 PM
Thursday, August 22, 2002 ROFLMAO! Wigu Comics are SO fucking hilarious!!! XD Read 'em now! XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:09 PM
Fanlistings... Blah, I've been adding them all day and I'm still not done... so I'm giving up for tonight... just long and tedious work. Look for more tomorrow, though =)
Michi poinged randomly at 9:07 PM
Adri's blog... You have a button! XD Adri's blog is now replaced with Adri's button (linked to Adri's blog) cuz that button is soooo kyut xD Mine will be coming soon =D
Michi poinged randomly at 8:49 PM
Banner... Changed the banner again. XD This time it's featuring my 3 favorite TV witches: Piper Halliwell (Holly Marie Combs), Willow Rosenburg (Alyson Hannigan), and Paige Halliwell-Matthews (Rose McGowan). Hope ya like it, let me know what you think of it and my new layout in my tag-board =)
Michi poinged randomly at 8:07 PM
Head Banner... Innit nifty? I changed it. The previous one "came" with the skin. I made my own, however, to fit the skin as I have changed it a bit. You like? The sizing is wrong which is not my fault and seeing as I don't really like this one much, although it's better than the "bubbles" one, I'll be changing it soon. However... innit nifty? XD
Michi poinged randomly at 7:29 PM
Changes!!!!... Notice anything different? That's right! Different layout! Took me forever to figure out the head banner thing because it wasn't working, but now it's all ready, and I think it's a lot nicer than before XD I am going to change the scroll bar now, and then I will be done with layout changes and resume my fanlisting joinings! XD
Michi poinged randomly at 2:48 PM
Fanlistings... I've been adding a lot this morning! XD Lots more to come! Bwahahahahah... sorry. Anyways... 1 week til registeration! I want to go to registration so I can a) see my friends which I haven't seen since June -.- and b) SHOW OFF MY MINI-PENS! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH! Ok, obsessive, yes. But I love my mini-pens! Anyways, 'nuff bout that. I get way too OT xD Anyways... yeah... fanlistings... obsessive about that too. Take a look at the fanlistings I've joined and if you like one of them, than give them a ring! Well, no. Just click the button and join! That simple! XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:24 AM
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
Fanlisting... Well this is taking a lot longer than I thought, lol, I didn't realize all the ones I wanted to join! And I'm only on actresses, there is a LOT more to join! XD I'm thinking I should have gone with the 50x50 buttons but I'm too lazy to change it now, LOL. When I change the layout, which I am planning on doing, then I can probably make them fit better. Until then, prepare for the longest stream of banners you've ever seen XD I must leave... SLEEP!!!... but I will be sure to add loads more in the morning. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 11:04 PM
Buttons... Ok, for some reason, when I link one of the buttons for the fanlistings I'm currently apply to, there is an additional border around the button. Does anyone know how to get rid of it? E-mail me or tell me in my tag-board, PLEASE!
Michi poinged randomly at 8:08 PM
E-mail change... I decided I wanted an e-mail just for people who view this site and crap because I have a free hotmail account and I am subscribed to a BTVS mailing thing from the SFA and I get a lot of e-mails and don't check my e-mail often, so some of my e-mails aren't able to be received because of all this. Therefore, if you had my previoius e-mail for some reason, change it. I have changed my e-mail for here to so please change it if you had it for whatever other reason.
Cliques!... Well not cliques... FANLISTINGS! *laughs ebilly* I'm going to be adding a bunch of fanlisting buttons in the "Cliques and Counter" section, so keep an eye out! *laughs ebilly again* Ahem. *angelic smile*
Michi poinged randomly at 7:48 PM
Pissed... I tried to add some more links but this error came up: Error 104:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError (server:page) Anyone know what it means? All I get out of it is that it's out of memory... which doesn't seem possible considering as I've only had this blog for 5 days and it can't be out of memory. Help! I want to add more links!
Michi poinged randomly at 4:04 PM
More links!... Well I've been spending all day at and so I'm adding a bunch of links to my links section so if you're bored, head on over to my links section! XD I also added the link to my other blog, my Homework blog. It's just for people who are in the same classes as I am.
Michi poinged randomly at 3:55 PM
Blog Links!... Well, I started a trend! XD Annie and Adri have blogs! Ok, not a trend, but whatever~ Anyways, I'm adding a "Blog Links!" section. If you'd like to be added to the section, either e-mail me or post in my tag-board. I'll check out the site and if I like it I'll add it XD
XD... BTW someone asked what XD meant. As in xd, the letters I guess. It's just a smiley if you were wondering, like =D and :D only XD. My friend started doing it and so I started doing it. Sorry Annie! Lol xD
Ads on TV... Bah, I was watching some channel and they were advertising for MTV for some reason (why would other channels wanna advertise MTV? Why would they want people to watch a channel other than them? Lol, doesn't make sense to me) and I saw PIERRE and SIMPLE PLAN!!!! Meaning, they were on MTV at some point! Seriously wish I knew when they were on, but ah well. And now I'm listening to my Simple Plan CD! *sighs* Pierre is so hot! Anyways XD Comments in my tag-board... um... yeah! More later, possibly.
Nother Link... Just thought of this lol. I'm gonna add a new link to my links section, It's a great site if you're bored, lots of links to check out and stuff XD
Piper... Bah! I keep forgetting crap! Ok, earlier I walked into the computer room to give Piper to my mom but Piper freaked out, because that's just how she is, and flew into the toilet! My god, this is the second time she's done that! At least this time we knew she was there instead of leaving her in there for 2 hours. My poor baby, lol.
Ok, that really is it, but more later most likely xD And check out my friend's blogs when I finally add them! xD
Michi poinged randomly at 1:53 PM
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
Bad at Updating... Bah, I'm sooooooooooo sorry for the no update day. I've been working on finding a good message board host all day and I've been making graphics a LOT and I've also been lazy :$ Anyways, I'm sorry if you've just been dying to know what's been going on in my life, I mean, why wouldn't you be? ^_~
Piano... I hate it!!! My god, my mother said when I was 6 that I could quit when I was 12. When I was 12 I mentioned this to her and she said she never said that -.-;;; I need to get what she says on tape. I really do. Anyways, I absolutely HATE piano. My god, it sucks. And she said I could stop when school started. What with vacation being cancelled and all, she arranged 3 more fucking lessons. WHY THE HELL IS SHE DOING THIS TO ME? I SWEAR, SHE LOVES TO TORTURE ME! WHAT DOES SHE REALLY THINK IT'S GOING TO ACCOMPLISH? I mean, I have learned absolutely NOTHING from him for a year, what does she really think I'm going to learn in 3 weeks, ESPECIALLY since I'm not even doing anything new?! And what's the point? I mean I ran out on my last coupon today. We should have just left it there. But noooooooo she has to make it difficult and by 2 more coupons when you can only buy 4 at a time! AND my god! It would just be easier for ALL of us if I stopped now! He said that my time slot is really popular and he wants to keep it open in case anyone wants it. But nooooo my mom has to be selfish and torture me and use up the slot! And it'd be MUCH easier for us if I just stopped! She wouldn't have to spend an hour waiting there and NEITHER WOULD I! MY GOD! All she thinks about is herself -.- My god, at least I don't have my last teacher. If I had her, I would have sued her for sexual harrassment by now -.- God, she made all her students give her a hug after the lesson. I was 12 when I had my last lesson with her, seriously, every single time "And give me a hug!" God, I think she was a child molestor. She found the one that she had the most sexual tension with by hugging them all and then she'd tell the parents that they could go for that day and do something else and then she'd rape the kid. Thank god I had no sexual tension with her. :nod:
Michi poinged randomly at 10:19 PM
Monday, August 19, 2002
NO!!!!.... BAD ANNIE! YOU'RE GOING TO RANCHO! YOU ARE GOING TO UNI! SL SUCKS AND SO DOES WOODBRIDGE (no offense if you go to either school ^_~) AND YOU ARE STAYING AND YOU ARE NOT GOING AND YEAH! No idea what I'm talking about? Read:
Annie (7:24:38 PM): OMG
Annie (7:24:40 PM): I FORGOT TO TELL YOU
Annie (7:24:44 PM): YOU'RE GONNA HATE IT
Annie (7:24:49 PM): ...I might go to Woodbridge.
Michi (7:27:30 PM): no.
Michi (7:27:33 PM): you are not
Annie (7:27:39 PM): It gets worse
Michi (7:27:45 PM): no
Annie (7:27:47 PM): ...I might go to SL for 8th grade
Michi (7:27:47 PM): it doesn't
Michi (7:27:50 PM): no you're not
Michi (7:27:55 PM): you are going to rancho in 8th grade
Michi (7:27:59 PM): and you're going to uni for 9-12
Michi (7:28:03 PM): even if i have to lock you in a closet
Michi (7:28:08 PM): ...or lock your mom in a closet
Annie (7:28:10 PM): XD
Annie (7:28:11 PM): lol
Michi (7:28:11 PM): whatever works ;-)
Michi (7:28:24 PM): god, it's only 2 1/2 weeks til school starts
Michi (7:28:27 PM): you can't switch to SL
Annie (7:28:46 PM): ...
Annie (7:28:51 PM): *cough*orientation*cough*
Michi (7:29:53 PM): you. are. going. to. rancho.
Michi (7:29:58 PM): you. are. going. to. uni.
Annie (7:30:09 PM): O.o
Michi (7:30:19 PM): you are!
Michi (7:30:22 PM): xD
Michi (7:30:27 PM): not acceptable if you don't
Michi (7:30:29 PM): you have to
Annie (7:31:00 PM): O.o
Anniee (7:31:01 PM): *pat pat*
Michi (7:31:15 PM): -.-
Annie (7:31:28 PM): O.o
Michi (7:32:33 PM): YOU ARE
Annie (7:32:37 PM): Cuz my mom's lyk, "I can't take you AND your sister to two different highschools"
Michi (7:32:38 PM): i'm posting it in my blog, lol
Michi (7:32:41 PM): so?
Annie (7:32:42 PM): XD
Michi (7:32:52 PM): she takes you to rancho and ur sister to woodbridge
Michi (7:32:56 PM): those are 2 different schools
Annie (7:33:17 PM): yes, but the difference is, she has zero period, so she can lyk go off earlier
Annie (7:33:21 PM): and she starts earlier
Michi (7:33:48 PM): so? you have zero period now
Michi (7:33:52 PM): I DON'T CARE
Annie (7:33:57 PM): yes, but she starts earlier than I do
Michi (7:33:58 PM): can't your sister drive yet? -.-
Annie (7:33:59 PM): *pat pat*
Michi (7:34:02 PM): if she can't, then go buy her a car
Michi (7:34:30 PM): you're already registered for rancho
Michi (7:34:32 PM): you're going to rancho
Michi (7:34:46 PM): cuz woodbridge sucks
Michi (7:34:55 PM): woodbridge's all "sports" oriented
Michi (7:35:03 PM): UNI is "knowledge" oriented
Michi (7:35:09 PM): why can't your sister switch schools?
Annie (7:35:19 PM): Cuz... she can't.
Michi (7:36:10 PM): why?
Michi (7:36:12 PM): if you can she can
Michi (7:36:25 PM): unless you're talking about the driving
Michi (7:36:29 PM): i'm bouncing around subjects
Annie (7:36:37 PM): O.o
You'll let us all down if you switch schools! Look at Adri's response!
Adri (7:37:33 PM): OH MY GOD
Adri (7:37:34 PM): OH MY GOD
Adri (7:37:37 PM): NOOOO
Michi (7:38:09 PM): I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michi (7:38:35 PM): lol XD
Adri (7:38:57 PM): SIIII
SEE ANNIE! DO IT FOR ADRI! JUST LOCK YOUR MOM IN A CLOSET OR SOMETHING! xD Seriously, you HAB to go to Rancho and UNI! The people at SL are WEIRD yo, and they're weird at Woodbridge too! Yeah, I'm weirder, and so is all our other friends mostly, BUT I DON'T CARE. I'M NOT BEING LOGICAL NOW! YOU ARE GOING TO RANCHO AND UNI AND THAT'S THAT!
::locks Annie's mother up in a closet::
BTW, if you couldn't decipher this other people, Annie might go to Woodbridge and SL :_: Tell Annie she can't in my tag-board, even if you don't know her XD More updates later, prolly xD
Michi poinged randomly at 7:45 PM
Bad Michelle!... I haven't updated all morning! LOL! XD So what have I been doing that's "so" important? Reverse order, if you shall...
1-3 pm... *drools* *faints* Two words: Jesse. Spencer.
So what was I doing during this time? Well, let's travel back a few months...
A few months ago on the family channel they did a week long of Mary-Kate and Ashley movies at night. Why did I watch every single one? Was it because I just love their perkiness and aspire to be them? That their movies have a deep, underlying moral that really speaks to me? The awesome writing? The witty lines? No on all counts, considering that their perkiness makes me want to barf, their movies are corny and highly predictable, the writing is lame, and they're really not that funny. So why put myself through this?
Jesse. Spencer.
In every movie of theirs, it seems, there is a hot guy. Passport to Paris, if you will. One of them had an incredibly annoying accent, but the other was tres cute. Our Lips Are Sealed... well that was lame, and I hated all the guys in it, so we'll move past it. Winning London. Same two words: Jesse. Spencer. I'll get back to him. Holiday in the Sun? Ben. Easter.
So I was flipping channels because Lydia, the cleaning lady, was cleaning my room. What did I see? Winning London just starting. Jesse. Spencer. He has all the qualities that attract me to a male: Dark hair. Dark SPIKED hair. Blue eyes. Amazing smile. ACCENT. He has them all, and he's just sooooo hot XD So that's where I was for 2 hours, drooling over Jesse Spencer.
Rest of the day... I was on-line but there was nothing to update, so I updated nothing. Amazing how logic works! XD Then I went and got lunch. Boring morning, all in all.
Jesse Spencer
Pic of him with light hair:
Not sure if it's dark or light, LOL:
black and white pic:
He's a LOT hotter with dark hair, IMO, but he's still very hot with the blonde hair XD
I so want to find a pic of him from Winning London because he has dark hair there, but of course wherever you go it's all about Mary-Kate and Ashley. My god, it was practically impossible to find out what his name was when I first saw Winning London. All they have at the WL main page is about MK&A. Make me wanna barf, blah.
Anyways, so ends my obsession with Jesse... for now... I'll prolly obsess over someone else in the near future and I'll post pics of him too! XD And trust me... there are a lot of hot guys that are currently in my obsession category. Pierre Bouvier *drool*, David Desrosier *faint*, Elijah Wood, Tobey MaGuire, Heath Ledger (faint, drool, faint), Jesse Spencer, Ben Easter (drool, faint), etc. So look for more obsessions soon!
Michi poinged randomly at 3:31 PM
Sunday, August 18, 2002
Charmed... Rocked! XD I love Charmed. And... Annie watched it! YAY!!! XD
Weird chatting... I'm cracking up over this: (btw substituted AIM names for real names XD)
Annie (10:21:54 PM): this is gonna sound stupid and completely ignorant
Michi (10:21:55 PM): xD
Annie (10:21:56 PM): ...
Annie (10:21:57 PM): does Paige fight?
Michi (10:22:03 PM): yeah
Annie (10:22:10 PM):
Michi (10:22:14 PM): like
Michi (10:22:21 PM): she "calls" for a knife
Michi (10:22:27 PM): or if someone hurls an energy ball at her
Michi (10:22:32 PM): she calls for it and redirects it back at the demon
Annie (10:22:40 PM): *twitch*
Annie (10:22:45 PM): *kills AIM that michi's on*
Michi (10:23:07 PM): lol
Michi (10:23:11 PM): xD
Annie (10:23:22 PM): It changes all the quotes to "!
Annie (10:23:22 PM): uhhhh
Annie (10:23:22 PM): so she lyk
Annie (10:23:22 PM): tk?
Annie (10:23:22 PM): ...
Michi (10:23:54 PM): ...kinda....
Michi (10:24:09 PM): she just calls for it and it orbs to her but she redirects it to the demon
Annie (10:24:30 PM): she can orb
Annie (10:24:30 PM): ...
Annie (10:24:30 PM): ?
Annie(10:24:32 PM): ...
Annie (10:24:33 PM): she orbs say... a knife that a demon tossed... back at the dmon?
Annie (10:24:39 PM): can she orb a knife INTO a demon?
Michi (10:24:58 PM): not like INSIDE the demon, but she orbs it into it's eye or whatever
Annie (10:25:05 PM): XD
Annie (10:25:21 PM): *imagines: Demon: Hahahha! *throws Knife* Paige: Hahahah! *orbs knife into eye* Demon: OH MY GOD MY EYE!!!*
Michi (10:25:26 PM): xD
Michi (10:25:56 PM): i'm posting this part of our convo in the blog... cuz i'm cracking up xD
Annie (10:26:24 PM): XD
Michi (10:26:29 PM): keke
Annie (10:26:59 PM): ok lyk
Annie (10:27:13 PM): does she orb the thing... uh... nearby her and it just zooms toward the demon?
Annie (10:27:16 PM): or warlock?
Annie (10:27:18 PM): or evil person?
Michi (10:28:48 PM): no
Michi (10:28:54 PM): it goes in an orby thingy
Annie (10:28:57 PM): ...
Michi (10:28:59 PM): like y aknow when they orb
Michi (10:29:04 PM): like in saving private leo
Michi (10:29:09 PM): how the ghosts watched paige orb away?
Michi (10:29:13 PM): it's like that
Annie (10:29:15 PM): blue sparkles?
Annie (10:29:15 PM): oh
Annie (10:29:15 PM): ...
Michi (10:29:18 PM): lol
Annie (10:29:19 PM): and it lyk attacks the bad guy?
Michi (10:29:22 PM): they're called "orbs"
Michi (10:29:30 PM): well at times it recites poetry to the bad guy
Michi (10:29:35 PM): but most of the time it does attack the bad guy
Michi (10:29:40 PM): well it doesn't per se attack it
Michi (10:29:42 PM): it just like
Michi (10:29:43 PM): goes there
Annie (10:31:44 PM): ...
Annie (10:31:44 PM): O.o
Annie (10:31:44 PM): uhhhh
Annie (10:31:44 PM): makes sense
Annie (10:31:44 PM): cuz lyk, the charmed spells are poems!
Annie (10:31:46 PM): Lyk haikus
Annie (10:31:48 PM): ...
Annie (10:31:48 PM): in it's eye?
Annie (10:31:52 PM): "Well. I just don't trust her. I keep expecting her to dump us for Cole or turn evil again."
"And she really annoys me. I know I'm new to the craft but still. Does she have to speak in that patronising, holier than thou way, about magic to me all the time?"
Michi (10:32:03 PM): XD
Michi (10:32:09 PM): ...
Michi (10:32:14 PM): OMG
Michi (10:32:21 PM): or you just made that up
Annie (10:32:43 PM): ok back to the orbing thing
Annie (10:32:43 PM): yes. XD
Annie (10:32:43 PM): bwahahaha... I felt odd
Annie (10:32:47 PM): anyway
Annie (10:32:47 PM): the orbing thign
Annie (10:32:49 PM): it attacks, but it doesn't
Annie (10:32:49 PM): ...
Annie (10:32:49 PM): help?
Michi (10:32:55 PM): XD
Michi (10:32:58 PM): yeah
Annie (10:32:59 PM): well... the title was "die pheobe die"
Michi (10:32:59 PM): it does
Michi (10:33:04 PM): OMG REALLY?!
Michi (10:33:07 PM): GIVE ME THE LINK!
Michi (10:33:09 PM): lol
Annie (10:33:11 PM):
Michi (10:33:12 PM): it attacks
Annie (10:33:12 PM): ok
Michi (10:33:14 PM): like if like
Annie (10:33:17 PM): ...
Michi (10:33:25 PM): say an energy ball was shot, than she shoots it back at the demon
Michi (10:33:28 PM): soemtimes that kills the demon
Michi (10:33:31 PM): xD
Annie (10:33:34 PM): ...
Annie (10:33:37 PM): but other times it recites poetry?
Annie (10:33:34 PM): ...
Annie (10:33:37 PM): but other times it recites poetry?
Michi (10:33:54 PM): yes. yes it does.
Annie (10:34:05 PM): lol
Annie (10:34:17 PM): so...
Annie (10:34:25 PM): she can lyk send the orb sparkles back at the demon
Michi (10:35:18 PM): she doesn't send the orb sparkles back
Michi (10:35:21 PM): the energy ball is orbed
Michi (10:35:29 PM): and then it reappears and hits the demon
Annie (10:35:35 PM): as an attack
Annie (10:35:36 PM): ...
Annie (10:35:36 PM): oh
Annie (10:35:38 PM): so the energy ball attacks the demon?
Annie (10:35:41 PM): not lyk orbing sparkels?
Michi (10:36:03 PM): correct
Michi (10:36:06 PM): it's like when paige orbs
Michi (10:36:09 PM): she doesn't orb the sparkles
Michi (10:36:12 PM): sghe orbs herself
Michi (10:36:17 PM): she just becomes sparkles for a little while
Annie (10:36:18 PM): but it looks like sparkles
Annie (10:36:20 PM): oh
Annie (10:36:21 PM): so
Michi (10:36:21 PM): til she reappears
Michi (10:36:22 PM): yes
Michi (10:36:24 PM): it does
Annie (10:36:25 PM): the energy becomes sparkles for awhile
Michi (10:36:27 PM): yes
Annie (10:36:30 PM): and then reappears?
Michi (10:36:30 PM): and then reappaears
Michi (10:36:33 PM): xD
Annie (10:36:37 PM): OHHHH
Annie (10:36:37 PM): I GOT IT
Annie (10:36:39 PM): *smart*
Michi (10:36:46 PM): xD
Annie (10:37:13 PM): *determined to write a fic that will make Michelle lyk/not hate Phoebe*
Michi (10:37:51 PM): *gasps*
Michi (10:37:59 PM): dats nebba gonna happen *nods*
Annie (10:38:00 PM): XD
Annie (10:38:00 PM): XD
Annie (10:38:07 PM): That would mean major characterization
Annie (10:38:09 PM): XD
Annie (10:38:17 PM): of course, with Piper getting the leading role so you'd actually read the thing
Michi (10:38:48 PM): lol
Michi (10:38:56 PM): :-D she'd definitely hafta
Annie (10:39:05 PM): XD
Michi (10:40:16 PM): keke
Michi (10:40:31 PM): god... you actually like phoebe don't you =-O
Michi (10:40:37 PM): or do you do it just to spite me?
Annie (10:40:50 PM): Out of spite.
Annie (10:40:51 PM): *nod*
Annie (10:41:04 PM): I don't lyke Phoebe actually
Michi (10:41:08 PM): lol
Annie (10:41:08 PM): My sister lyks all the charas
Michi (10:41:08 PM): xD
Annie (10:41:09 PM): ...
Annie (10:41:11 PM): except Prue
Michi (10:41:16 PM): lol prue rocks
Michi (10:41:20 PM): more than phoebe at least
Michi (10:41:22 PM): xD
Annie (10:42:06 PM): XD
Annie (10:42:10 PM): Wheee
Annie (10:42:13 PM): Paige killed sum1
Michi (10:42:30 PM): XD
Michi (10:42:32 PM): how pro
Michi (10:43:20 PM): who's *Really* your favorite character?
Michi (10:43:27 PM): *innocent look*
Annie (10:43:35 PM): Paige
Annie (10:43:37 PM): XD
Michi (10:43:41 PM): BWAHAHAHA
Michi (10:43:55 PM): xD
Michi (10:44:01 PM): i dun care, Paige is second fave
Michi (10:44:10 PM): who's ur SECOND fave character?
Annie (10:44:20 PM): Woaahhh...
Annie (10:44:20 PM): O.o
Annie (10:44:21 PM): *continues readingn fic*
Michi (10:44:37 PM): XD
Annie (10:44:51 PM): ...
Annie (10:44:53 PM): Leo!
Annie (10:44:59 PM): *sigh*
Michi (10:45:25 PM): you like Leo? *Gasps*
Michi (10:45:28 PM): well
Michi (10:45:51 PM): it's not that i DON'T like him
Michi (10:45:54 PM): i just ya know... he's leo
Michi (10:45:55 PM): xD
Annie (10:46:02 PM): XD
Annie (10:46:03 PM): Yeah
Annie (10:46:06 PM): he's not a big big role
Michi (10:46:08 PM): lol
Michi (10:46:09 PM): i know
Annie (10:46:38 PM): but u gotta admit
Annie (10:46:38 PM): he's cool
Annie (10:46:38 PM): XD
Michi (10:46:55 PM): yes
Michi (10:46:58 PM): he is cool *nod*
Michi (10:47:04 PM): he's better in the first season and the second season
Michi (10:47:07 PM): WATCH THE RERUNS
Michi (10:47:10 PM): THEY START 9/3
Michi (10:47:15 PM): THEY'RE AT 5 PM ON CH. 18
Annie (10:47:36 PM): XD
Annie (10:47:36 PM): Bwahaha...
Annie (10:47:37 PM): I will
Annie (10:47:37 PM): XD
Annie (10:47:37 PM): *eager to see more characterization of Phoebe - err... Piper....*
Michi (10:48:11 PM): LOL
Michi (10:48:13 PM): PIPER DAMN YOU
Michi (10:48:14 PM): sorry
Michi (10:48:18 PM): i'm protective of her XD
Michi (10:48:21 PM): my god she's just so funny though
Annie (10:48:34 PM): *pat pat*
Annie (10:48:38 PM): Piper's calm
Michi (10:48:44 PM): i mean in the episode at 7, trial by magic, glen's all "oh, sorry, am i interrupting?" and she's all "yeah!" i dunno
Michi (10:48:48 PM): she said it in such a cool voice
Annie (10:48:52 PM): To me, she seems angry all the time, cuz she's all CALM
Michi (10:48:57 PM): XD
Michi (10:48:59 PM): she's so pro
Michi (10:49:01 PM): lol
Michi (10:49:06 PM): i love her sarcastic voice XD
Michi (10:49:44 PM): and like
Michi (10:49:50 PM): i dunno, she makes all her lines so funny
Annie (10:49:56 PM): XD
Michi (10:50:04 PM): "be sure to lock up all the doors" and did that little hand thing
Michi (10:50:07 PM): and like
Michi (10:50:34 PM): "you didn't lock the attic?! i told you to lock all the doors!" *does hand thing*
"i thought you meant the front door, which i did lock"
"it was the code!"
Michi (10:50:42 PM): "maybe u shoulda been more specific"
Michi (10:50:47 PM): lol i dunno, i love that scene
Annie (10:50:49 PM): XD
Michi (10:50:51 PM): and anda nd
Michi (10:50:56 PM): *bomabarding with quotes*
Michi (10:51:16 PM): "i pay rent here!"
"no you don't."
"it's an expression!"
"no it's not"
"well, it should be!"
Michi (10:51:20 PM): paige is so funny too XD
Jstsumname (10:51:30 PM): Hey, what's a DARK LIGHTER's power?
Michi (10:52:21 PM): i dunno like
Michi (10:52:27 PM): he can do something like orbing, only it ain't orbing
Michi (10:52:32 PM): and different ones got differen powers
Annie (10:52:39 PM): it's the ANTITHESIS of orbing, then?
Annie (10:52:41 PM): *hehe*
Michi (10:52:44 PM): lol
Annie (10:52:57 PM): Piper, Leo, and Dan go to see Avril Lavigne in concert! Avril FANS (like me) read away! She has some sound bites! P/? LOL. Cliffhanger, huh? R&R!!
Annie (10:52:57 PM): O.o
Michi (10:53:19 PM): they like try to kill witches that could be whitelighters and such like that but they can't kill them there self, they have to convince them to take their own life. read "murphey's luck", transcript season 2, and season 1 "love hurts"
Michi (10:53:24 PM): O_O_O_O_O_O
Michi (10:53:28 PM): what the fuck?
Annie (10:53:30 PM): Ohhh
Michi (10:53:32 PM): scuse me, fark
Michi (10:53:35 PM): what the fark?
Michi (10:53:36 PM): scary
Michi (10:53:39 PM): lol
Annie (10:53:46 PM): lol
Annie (10:53:46 PM): fork
Annie (10:53:48 PM): it's a summary
Annie (10:53:48 PM): very odd
Michi (10:53:55 PM): xD
Michi (10:53:56 PM): dat is odd
Michi (10:53:58 PM): and scary
Annie (10:54:12 PM): Piper's turning evil!
Michi (10:54:27 PM): yay!
Michi (10:54:33 PM): my god she's turned evil so many times
Annie (10:54:34 PM): ...
Michi (10:54:35 PM): it's so funny
Michi (10:54:37 PM): in bite me
Annie (10:54:41 PM): God this fic sucks
Michi (10:54:42 PM): which is next week, and rocks and u see that too
Annie (10:54:57 PM): XD
Michi (10:55:21 PM): pheoeb's all *tink it was her*: Well maybe the bites are turning you into that thing, that's how Piper became a fury. Or was it a wendigo?
piper: i've turned into so many things that i've lost track
Michi (10:55:22 PM): XD
Annie (10:55:31 PM): lol
Annie (10:55:37 PM): PHOEBE TO THE RESCUE
Michi (10:55:55 PM): xD
Michi (10:55:58 PM): scary
Michi (10:56:02 PM): pheoeb would prolly like
Michi (10:56:08 PM): break a nail
Michi (10:56:12 PM): and force paige to orb her home
Michi (10:56:14 PM): so she can fix it
Annie (10:56:20 PM): lol
Michi (10:56:35 PM): keke
Annie (10:56:55 PM): If you are Lactose Intolerant, stay the Paige away
Annie (10:56:58 PM): O.o
Michi (10:57:50 PM): ....o_O
Michi (10:57:54 PM): 'nother summary?
Annie (10:58:13 PM): yup
Michi (10:58:30 PM): sigh... summaries freak me out these days
Annie (10:58:38 PM): *pat pat*
Ending it there because I have to post this and then sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep xD That convo just cracked me up. I dunno if it was just cuz I was high, or what, but it just cracked me up XD
Michi poinged randomly at 11:02 PM
Wow!... I haven't updated in hours! A record for me, *LOL* XD I was making a bunch of graphics for a friend and it took all afternoon bah. And soon I'll be off to watch Charmed *double dose tonight: 7-9 pm* and then come back and be bored XD Just wanted to let you know I wasn't dead because I know how frequently I update, lol XD
Michi poinged randomly at 6:50 PM
LOL XD. The text:
This outfit says:
This is the Great All-American Outfit. You are totally casual, totally relaxed and ready for anything from a day of sailing to a matinee with your friends.
BOY WATCH: Your ideal man isn't too trendy, too sloppy or too nerdy. He's the All American guy and he can talk sports, politics, books and movies, all while piloting a boat or starting a fire in the fireplace.
Michi poinged randomly at 10:50 AM
Tag-board... It's working!!! Yay!!! XD It's under Counters and Cliques. Lol, it fits best there XD Anyways, please give me a message when you visit here, I like to know how many people actually come here, lol XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:26 AM
BlogSkins... It still isn't working for me, meaning that I'm stuck with this for now. It looks all right, I just wanted something different. Oh well. Bah.
Michi poinged randomly at 9:57 AM
Changed... Looks differen't, doesn't it? Not as pretty =( Yet if I chose to (meaning if BlogSkins is still down) I'll be able to add a tag-board! You can't imagine how happy I am about that XD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:55 AM
Changes... Ok, I've decided to change my layout. *gasp* I've saved this layout, I know where it's located, I'll be able to go back to it if I want. Of course I'll only be able to change the layout if BlogSkins is working, which I'm not sure if it is. Let's just pray it is XD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:44 AM
Sunday... Right now I just love Sundays. There's no reason to, seeing as all the other days are the same during the summer. For some reason, I just love Sundays though. Reason 1: TV.
Charmed (tonight 2 episodes in a row, from 7-9)
BTVS reruns
Plus, they're the start of the week. I mean, who doesn't love the start of the week? I mean besides sadistic outsiders who are currently muttering about how awful everything is and are cutting their arms this very moment. XD
Sundays are cool. They just are. Of course they're not cool when your mom orders you around and makes you actually do work on Sundays. Or during summer break. *sigh* My mother does not know what a break is. I try explaining it to her, but she just stares at me and then asks why I'm not doing more work. That's why I hide in my room all day long, lol.
So all in all, Sunday's are great. I made no point here at all, but they are. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:39 AM
Yay!... I got it to work! I said show 1 days posts. All I have to do is change it everyday until Sunday, and then it should work! ...I hope...
Michi poinged randomly at 9:30 AM
Kinda figured out... I have it set at show last 7 days posts. Well since I started on a Friday, the weeks are off. I still don't know what to do, I just know why it's doing it which really isn't helping me any. If you know PLEASE help me!
Michi poinged randomly at 9:27 AM
Damn archives... Well for some reason, this isn't a new page. It still has the old ones from last week. Please help me! There's a contact button at the right, please, if you can help me, e-mail me and let me know what to do!
Michi poinged randomly at 9:22 AM
Trying something... Having problems with archives, but what else is new? Lol, this is just a test thing because I'm trying something out.
Michi poinged randomly at 9:18 AM
New!... Well, a new week and a new page! XD
Breakfast... Damn I felt sick last night while trying to go to sleep, and I thought it was just becaus I was hungry. Now I feel worse after eating. I think I might be sick =X Bah.
Charmed-Boards... is down, unfortunately =( Damn. Now I can be even boreder than I usually am! XD
More... will be coming soon. But I'm lazy now. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:14 AM
Saturday, August 17, 2002
Music is damned... I have come to hate Saturday and Sunday nights while going to sleep because of the crap they play on KIIS on those nights. Everything they play, pretty much, is crap actually. I mean, I remember 3rd grade, listening to 98.7, when I loved everything they had. I mean, in '98 music just rocked, to me. I remember songs like "Closing Time" and "Torn" and such. Even later, "Flavor of the Week" and "Alive". But it seems like all they have now is Justin Timberlake's new hit which was played 10 times yesterday. I felt like I was going insane. All they have is him, and Britney (Does her new single sound that much different than her others, cuz honestly, when I first heard it, in the beginning, I could have sworn it was one of her other songs) and Eminem. Ok, Eminem IS NOT MUSIC! I'm sorry, but I don't understand how anyone can stand to listen to him. All he does is chose 20 cuss words and think about something lame to "sing" about. It's not music! There's no melody! He doesn't have a singing voice, all he does is rap! I mean, how is rap music? I just don't get how anyone can call it music. I mean I love rock and punk and that crap, it's not that my tastes are too tame, but how can anyone stand him? And the only good bands I find seem to be unheard of by everyone else (I.E. Simple Plan)! Ok, sorry, had to rant.
SLEEEEEEEEEP..... Bah I'm so tired because I can never sleep! I mean I go to sleep at 11 pm, but I can't even begin to fall asleep until 12 AM, and even then, I'm still awake at 3 am. Then my mom gets me up at 7:30 in the morning while I've been tossing and turning all night, getting a total sleepage of 3 hours. And I find myself practically conking out at my keyboard in the afternoon, and yet at night I'm bouncing off the walls! And then I'm practically dead by 11, yet I still can't sleep. Mesa thinks me have a sleeping disorder, LOL.
Michi poinged randomly at 10:28 PM
Just one more!... Well ok, it probably won't just be this one more... but ah well xD I just HAD to put this in here.
Good to know XD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:45 PM
What else?... More quizzes, of course! I'm on a serious quizzing binge, LOL! Of course there are worse binges to be on XD
Innit cute? LOL! xD
Damn right I am! XD LMAO
I'm getting there. I don't suck, but I've got a ways to go.
Lol, sorry that I don't like kicking male's in the groin and lighting them on fire XD All though that choice did amuse me, I've decided to do quizzes as honestly as possible... I mean why even take them if you're going to lie, lol.
No duh, didn't need a quiz to tell me that XD LOL XD
LOL!!!!!!!!!! I believe that's 100% correct though. I am extremely annoying at times (never want to meet me =D) yet I find myself amusing... of course that could just be me... lol xD
Michi poinged randomly at 9:39 PM
Something surprisingly new! No wait... just more quizzes =P... Yep, you heard right! More quizzes! =P Really, I don't usually take these many quizzes, I just suddenly want to. Prolly cuz I'm SO fucking bored recently. xD
I am truly passionate.
Find your soul type at
LOL passionate? I dunno... at times.. at times I'm apathetic, yet at times I'm bouncy and emotional LOL XD Right now is an apathetic time, which makes me wonder how I got this result XD
I am Chicken Little!
Find your fairy tale character at
XD Lol, this was a really weird quiz XD But Chicken Little is dope, yo!~ XD

What kind of Drug Addict are you?
LOL! XD I took a test like this somewhere else and I got "Mushrooms" lol XD Wheeeeeeee hallucinations seems to fit right now =P
Michi poinged randomly at 9:16 PM
Another quiz, of course!...
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
URL of the test:
URL for more info:
LOL! XD Slightly moderate schizotypal XD Bwahahahahaha
Michi poinged randomly at 8:43 PM
A counter!... Added a counter under "Credits" and put it under a new section, "Counter and Cliques". No cliques yet, but if I get any I'll put 'em there. The odd thing was whil messing with the counter script and configuring everything, I viewed my page 3 times, yet the counter said 6 people had viewed my page, meaning 3 people besides myself viewed my page! XD Hopefully I'll figure out a tag-board and then when you visit you can let me know that you did... if you know, you're not as lazy as I am XD
Michi poinged randomly at 8:28 PM
Quiz... The lamest quiz I have ever taken! And that's saying something =P I used to love the BSC books but around 3rd grade I realized how LAME they actually were. I took this quiz anyways, though. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 8:02 PM
Yay, Annie's making a blog! I hope... *glare* YOU SAID YOU WOULD SO YOU BETTER! XD Now just to get all my other friends to, too! XD BWAHAHAHAHAH ahem sorry, doped up on caffeine~ XD
Michi poinged randomly at 7:52 PM
More Quizzes!... Lol, I know, I'm obsessed with quizzes :$.
This is took the first time in a more dark way:
Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
This is tooken when I feel more upbeat and happy:
Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
Awwwww innit he cute? I'm sorta both and neither. I mean, I was an outcast for a little while... and at times I seriously do look down at the people at my school because some of them are so damn upbeat and I hate the twinkys, they're SO lame. And at times I am a geek, lol, AND PROUD OF IT! XD They need a new category: The Hyper/Weird/Insane/Individual crowd. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 7:44 PM
Adri... *waves* Another person to come to my site! Yay for Adri! *LOL* Make a blog! You know you want to! XD
Another survey... Another thing to fill out! XD I'm sure you probably don't care, but that's your problem =P And it'll prolly reiterate the same friggen info, but I DON'T CARE XD
1. Full name: Michelle. Just Michelle. Like Madonna LOL XD JK well if you're a friend of mine you know my last name and if you're a good friend (or a good guesser) you know my middle name. And if you don't know me and are just browsing around here, than why do you care?
2. Nicknames: Michey (Also spelt Michie and Michi, lol), Shelly (*pokes Annie* I REMEMBER SOMETHING BOUT YOU SAYING YOU WERE GONNA CALL ME SHELLEY! Or was that in my dream and you were actually Pierre? *scratches head*)
3. Eyes: bluish-blue
4. Height: 5'3... I think. I dunno, between 4" and 10' XD
5. Hair: blondish-brownish-blonde
6. Shoe Size: 8-9... depends
7. Age: 13
8. Birthdate: January 14, 1989
9. Sign: capricorn~
11. Where you live: southern california
12. Sex: Girl
13. Righty or Lefty: righty~~~
14. Boxers or briefs: Boxers
15. Long or short hair: short
17. Six Pack or Muscular arms: er....o_o um... *hides* 6 pack I guess *shrug* dunno
18. Good or Bad Boy: well it depends... either cuz like good boys are sweet, but bad boys remind me of Angelus XD *drools*
19. Hat or no hat: none... hats are lame
20. Ears pierced: one in one ear, as long as it's not the... what ear Annie? Left? Or right? LOL dun want to date a guy that's gay. Actually it wouldn't really matter LOL xD I mean, if you're dating him, then he's not gay. Or he's bi. And dude, it's not his fault what he feels~ *feels deep and thoughtful* XD
22. Freckles or none: none
23. Stubble or neatly shaved: shaved
24. Rugged or Sporty: rugged
26. Accent or not: *drool* ACCENT!!!! OMG Jesse Spencer has (had) dark hair, dark SPIKED hair, blue eyes, and an ACCENT!
FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT ABOUT GIRLS : Ok none of these are applicable for me, seeing as I'm a female, but like in case there's a chance that someone besides me and my friends see this, and they happen to be a guy, and they want to fill this out, then here it is:
27. Regular underwear or thong:
28. Painted Nails or not:
30. Cute and Mysterious or wild and sexy:
31. Dressy or casual:
32. Dark or blonde:
33. Long or short hair:
34. Dark or light eyes:
35. Long or short nails:
37. Good or bad girl:
39. Hair up or down:
40. Jewelry or none:
41. Tall or short:
42. Curly or straight hair:
43. Pants or dress:
44. Tan or Fair:
45. Freckles or none:
46. Pretty indoor chick or party chick:
47. Prissy or grunge:
48. Accent or no accent:
49. Shy or outgoing:
51. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper
52. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O XD
53. Sunshine or rain: RAIN! *pause* I'M NOT A MANIC DEPRESSIVE, ANNIE, REALLY!
54. Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate
55. Something you wish you were good at: School. Oh, and essay writing definitely. LMAO how I got "Best Essay Writer" at the end of 7th grade I'll never figure out XD
56. Summer or Winter: winter
58. Cake or pie: cake
59. Love or lust: Love
60. Silver or gold: Silver
61. Diamond or Pearl: diamonds
62. Sunrise or sunset: sunset~ I don't like waking up early xD
63: Do you sleep with stuffed animal(s): i used to
64. Have you ever broke a bone? : nope
65. Do you sing in the shower: OMG lol when I was like 3 I did but then I found out my parents could hear me so I stopped xD
67. Favorite Color: black, but I like purple a lot still. I'm in a real blackish/rainloving/punk-rock-want-to-listen-to mood. *pause* BUT I'M NOT A MANIC DEPRESSIVE
68. What's your Favorite Band?: Simple Plan, no duh xD
69. What do you dream about: I dunno... I forget. Lately school. Like one dream I had, I was walking with Annie and Lulu and Jackie in the halls and we were ditching class and this teacher dude came up to us and was all "Where's your hall pass?" even though they don't do that at school and I'm all "Um..." and annie and jackie and lulu left me to deal with him and I got detention -.- Even though we don't have detention, just lunch detention. That was ebil of them -.-
70. Who are your friends: *sighs and takes a deep breath* Ilana, Sevi, Annie, Jackie, Lulu, Adri, Sherry, Rotem, Lillian, Dannielle *kinda*, Yas *kinda*, Casey, Emma, Galaxy, Sarah, Amber *kinda, but she pisses me off a lot*, Gina *kinda, but she's really spoiled*, Felicia, um.... Emmie, Alice *even though I haven't talked to them since 6th grade really, I'll see you 2 at UNI! XD*, um.... *running outta names* Ok, I guess that's it, if I didn't add you I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry, just e-mail me, and um... yeah... um.... xD Ok then. And don't take offense at the order, I was mostly going by 7th grade class schedule but like if I thought of Lulu I thought of Jackie and Annie, if I thought of Adri I thought of Sherry and Lillian, etc. Totally random xD
71. Who is the loudest: depends xD
72. Quietest: depends xD
73. Who do you tell your dreams to?: My weird dreams I tell to Annie cuz she used to tell all her weird dreams, but I'll just tell whoever listens LOL
74. What is your favorite movie?: Bah, I don't wanna have to think about it xD
77. What is your favorite food?: dunno
78. Favorite actor or actress? : Holly Marie Combs, Rose McGowan, Jennifer Aniston, Alyson Hannigan, Eliza Dushku, Heath Ledger *mega drooling over his smile*, David Boreanaz *drool*, and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Jesse Spencer *drool*
Wow, finished! Blah, prolly didn't wanna read ANOTHER one but taht's YOUR problem xD kaka
Michi poinged randomly at 7:19 PM
Nother New Thing... Too many updates! But I added a new thing under "About Moi": my mood indicator! XD Right now my mood is ~bored~ lol and that's been my mood this past week XD
Michi poinged randomly at 6:57 PM
New Addition!... Added "Of the Moments" section at the right ---> XD Lol, I'll probably delete it soon or something, but I like it for now. I'm probably going to be messing around with this layout to make the sidebar larger, so expect mega changes XD
Michi poinged randomly at 6:37 PM
Annie took the survey... LOL I forced Annie to read my little profile thing about moi and she decided to do it herself. I dun wanna post the whole thing cuz I'm lazy, I'm just gonna post my fave answers XD
Presenting... my fave Annie answers
-- Spice Girl : Sage!
-- Your most overused phrase on line : *pat pat* (LOL she really does xD Damn but I really use lol WAY too much xD)
-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with: Gohan, Angel, or Obi-Wan. XD
-- Your best feature : *blink* My long hair, which I cut
-- Your bedtime : I don't have one. HAHAHHAHAHAH! TAKE THAT, PEOPLE WHO SLEEP
BEFORE ONE O'CLOCK! (-.- DAMN you suck -.-)
-- Your most missed memory : I was abducted by aliens, but they erased my
memory of the encounter.
-- Adidas or nike : Nike, for the sole reason of the check.
-- Have any tattoos/where? : Do airbrush tattoos count?
-- Numbers and Names of Children : I dunno... I want at least one of them to
be named Gohan XD (LMAO!!!!!!!!!)
-- Where do you see yourself at age 20? : In college, studying diligently.
*snicker* (XD)
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding : Well, Simple Plan would be playing/singing
all of the songs.. and... uh.... at the end, ... I forgot.
-- How do you want to die? : With a bang
-- Short or long hair? : Duzn't matter... short hair MUST be spiked, though
-- What was the best time of your life so far? : .....Meeting David. SO WHAT
IF THAT HASN'T HAPPENED YET?! Uhh.... A lot of best times... meeting Kaori,
Meeting Jackie, meeting everyone that I met in 7th grade(hello, social life!
XD), hanging out with friends, getting Majora's Mask(4 days since I
ordered!), Getting gaming stuff, discovering the internet, when I watched
cool movies... etc.... XD
LOL XD kaka
Michi poinged randomly at 6:01 PM
More Quizzes!... Yeah yeah, I'm addicted! Nah, actually I'm just bored XD

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Wheeeeeeeeeeee! I love Willow and Alyson Hannigan!!! XD

Who's Your Inner Buffy Bad-Girl? Find out @ She's Crafty
Yay, I love Faith and Eliza Dushku. LOL I remember when I saw "The New Guy" every 5 seconds *point* "That's Faith!" XD
Michi poinged randomly at 5:03 PM
About ME!... A little thing to fill out all about me so you can learn about me. If you actually finish this, CONGRATS! XD
Ok, I filled this out but it took me so long my session timed out so I have to refill it out, lol. Bleh, anyways, here goes XD
[ series 1 - you ]
-- Name : Michelle
-- Birthdate : 1/14/89
-- Birthplace : California
-- Current Location: California
-- Eye Color : blue
-- Hair Color : blonde
-- Righty or Lefty : righty
-- Zodiac Sign : capricorn
-- Innie or Outtie : innie
[ series 2 - your favorite ]
-- Music : rock mostly... SIMPLE PLAN! *drools over Pierre*
-- Cartoon : none~~~
-- Color : purple and black
-- Slushy Flavor : blue! XD
-- Magazine : dunno... do'nt really read them much.. but if it has a pic/article of SIMPLE PLAN than it's cool! XD
-- TV Show : Charmed, BTVS, AtS
-- Song : "I'm just a Kid"~Simple Plan
-- Language : English, learning french somewhat
-- Spice Girl : none XP I hate them
-- Food &Beverage : dunno
-- Subject in School : algebra. I like pretty much everything math but... DIE GEOMETRY, DIE! *shoots all geometry books within a 500 mile radius* That's better.
-- Ice Cream Flavor : chocolate
-- Roller Coaster : dunno
[ series 3 - what is ]
-- Your most overused phrase on line : OMG and LOL. I say LOL way too much XD
-- The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning : Going back to sleep
-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with: Whatever I did that day
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : hair/eyes
-- The Best Name for a Butler : dunno... George?
-- The wussiest sport : potatoe ball *nods like that's actually a sport*
-- Your best feature : I don't know!!! HOW SHOULD I KNOW?! My pinkie toe, though XD Really, it's cute and it has perfectly applied black nail polish on it, if I do say so myself. Which I do. *nods seriously*
-- Your bedtime : 11 pm usually.
-- Your greatest fear : fear. I dun like being afraid.
-- Your greatest accomplishment : Getting an A- in science 2nd trimester, even with me losing all my first drafts (LOL I wasn't the best science project partner... sorry Annie! :$), getting an A in Humanities trimesters 1 and 2, getting a B+ trimester 3, getting an A- science trimester 3, even though Lulu read the draft that I hadn't corrected (grrrrrrr I CHANGED THINGS! XD), and getting 99 total in literature and math on the STAT 9 XD
-- Your most missed memory : Well if I miss it, than I wouldn't know it, and if I don't remember it, how do I remember it?
[ series 4 - you prefer ]
-- Pepsi or coke : PEPSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- McDonald's or Burger King : In'n'Out, BK and McDonald's SUCK ASS! Sorry :$:$:$
-- Single or group dates : group for the first date, I think, it'd be more fun. I dun know though
-- Adidas or nike : adidas.
-- Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers : nuggets XD
-- Dogs or cats : dogs
-- Rugrats or doug : rugrats
-- Single or taken : single
-- Monica or Brandy : neither, but monica if i had to chose
-- Tupac or Jay-Z : ...???
-- Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes : leann rimes (LOL rhymes XD)
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : lipton, though i like neither
-- One pillow or two : I have 6 pillows on my bed, so 6 XD
-- Chocolate or vanilla : chocolate
-- Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : There's a difference?
-- Cappucino or coffee : ack I hate coffee, but cappucino I guess because it comes with whipped cream, right? I looooove whipped cream. 'Sides, I can always dump 10 pounds of sugar and 20 ounces of milk in it XD
-- Boxers or briefs : Erm... I'm a girl so... o_O I guess boxers though.
[ series 5 - do you ]
-- Take a shower everyday? : yeah o_O
-- Have a(any) crush(es)? : ...why do you want to know? My gawd, I feel like I'm being stalked here!
-- Do you think you've been in love? : no
-- Want to go to college? : yep
-- Like high school? : hello, not in high school, so I dunno...
-- Want to get married : eventually
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : i hope so
-- Believe in yourself? : depends
-- Have any tattoos/where? : nope
-- Have any piercings/where? : 1 in each ear
-- Get motion sickness? : airsickness XP
-- Think you're a health freak? : nope
-- Get along with your parents? : If I don't talk to them and stay holed up in my room all day on-line, yes. Which is what I do XD Relatively, yes, but at times definitely not.
-- Like thunderstorms? : Um thunder=NO, rain=YES!!! Damn that I live in CA which only gets like 1 inch of rain a year -.-;;;
--[ series 6 - the future ]--
-- Age you hope to be married : Dunno... 25-30?
-- Numbers and Names of Children : I'm not thinking that far ahead!
-- Where do you see yourself at age 20? : in college~
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding : i don't know!!!!!!!!
-- How do you want to die? : peacefully in my sleep at an old age XD
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? : dunno
-- What country would you most like to visit? : been too many places... but I guess NZ to see Ilana~
[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
-- Best eye color? : blue
-- Best hair color? : dark *begins to drool over Pierre*
-- Short or long hair? : short
-- Best height? : taller than me, but not too tall, lol
-- Best weight? : as long as he doesn't jiggle when poked, it doesn't matter
-- Best articles of clothing? : baggy pants are PRO yo~XD
-- Best first date location? : spectrum i guess... where else to go?
-- Best first kiss location? : :$ Again, I feel as if I'm being stalked. Really, I think that someone made this quiz and now wants to know what I look for in a guy, where I want to be kissed, where I want to go on a first date, etc. I mean, seriously... it's enough to make me seriously worried =P LOL XD
[ series 8 - other ]
-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? : I dunno :$
-- How many rings until you answer the phone? : I don't. I wait for my parents to answer it. They wait for me to answer it. XD Not many people call me anyways, lol
-- What's on your mouse pad? : Um... a mouse... O_o
-- How many houses have you lived in? : 1
-- How many schools have you gone to? : 3
-- What color is your bedroom carpet? : beige-ish
-- Would you shave your head for $5000 dollars? : no XP
-- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things with you what would you take? : a CD player, a CD, and a motor boat
-- What was the best time of your life so far? : lots of them but these are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head: 13th b-day party, 6th b-day party, going to spectrum/boomers with friends, talent show in 3rd grade, carnival end-of-the-year thing in 3rd grade, 3rd grade (LOL things were so easy, and Sevi and Ilana still lived here *sniff sniff*), 7th grade because I made a hell of a lot more really good friends XD Seriously, I think I doubled in friends, lol =P And 'cuz it was mostly easy, 'sides the shithead politiski. Um, back to best times... lol... first grade XD Pre-school because of Ilana and my friends there... I don't know... XD Um... going to Ilana's house, going to any of my friend's houses, lol, when Ilana visited, when I visited Sevi, um... ok too many memories... waaaaaaaaaaay too many. Bad memory lane, BAD! XD
WOW I FINISHED THIS!!!!!!!!! AND IF YOU'RE READING THIS, YOU FINISHED THIS!!!! Or you scrolled to the bottom, like I do XD
Michi poinged randomly at 4:33 PM
More Quizzes! I've just been way too bored, so I'm taking lotsa quizzes! Here are my ~results~:
LOL I am NOT Monica! Just 'cuz I would date Chandler who is funny and sweet and adorable in early season (damn he just got too fat recently!) and because I don't want to be with a guy who has 5 pounds of gel in his hair and loves dinosaurs more than anything or be with a guy who would sacrifice his life for a sandwich does NOT mean I'm like Monica. LOL I'm not like Rachel either, though, or Phoebe, so Monica's ok. XD
XD I don't know if I'm that mean (I hope not!... well at least to my friends and people I don't know... to people I hate or 12 year old boys at that damn swimteam party who are SO fucking annoying, I hope to come off mean LOL) but she's better than anyone else to be. Well, I love Patrick (*drools while pausing TTIHAY to whenever Heath Ledger smiles*) but I wouldn't want to be him. I wouldn't want to be a him, lol. Oh well, satisfied with this XD
Lol, that's cool. I saw that movie like 3 years ago on ABC because I was extremely bored. Cute movie, didn't really care if I got Romy or Michele XD
LOL I read the transcript awhile ago because my parents were so lame and wouldn't let me see it. Gawd, it's only rated R -_-;;; Anyways, I love Alyson Hannigan *cheers YAY WILLOW!* and I liked her most in American Pie, even if she was slightly... nasty at times... Plus, she has a cool name! LOL XD
Ok, done with quizzes... for now ;)
Michi poinged randomly at 3:28 PM
Yay-ness!... Yay! Annie came and saw my blog! Awwwwwww I promise I'll go to soon, I'm just lazy! XD Plus I'm making Birds of Prey banners for mah siggy XD
Michi poinged randomly at 2:03 PM
Another Quiz... What can I say? I'm bored!!! Took a quiz: "What does your room say about you?" Lol, sounds extremely accurate XD
Energetic and Outgoing
With the lavish decorations and piles of magazines and CDs cluttering your room, there's no doubt that you're a bubbly, fun person with an open mind and active imagination. Your cheerful living quarters mirror the positive aura you radiate on a day-to-day basis.
Michi poinged randomly at 1:25 PM
Tag-board... Blah, I couldn't get the message box, name box, and E-mail/URL box to be a specified width, so I took it off because it off-set the layout. I love this layout! When I get bored of it and change it (I already know what I'm going to change it to, lol) I might decide to add a tag-board, but for now there's none. I'm slightly dissappointed by that because it seemed cool, but it's all right.
Michi poinged randomly at 1:21 PM
Tag-board... I am currently working on a Tag-board and that would be why the page is slightly fucked up. I'm working on it, though, it's just going to take a lot of experimentation. XD
Michi poinged randomly at 1:09 PM
Birds of Prey Forums... Ok, first I had the link Well that was wrong, it took you to a page about birds of prey, not Birds of Prey. Then I saw the link was and I linked it there, but that was not the site I wanted either. Finally I realized my mistake and changed it to So now, if you went there earlier and saw it was wrong, it's all better. ^_^ So go over there and register! XD
Michi poinged randomly at 12:50 PM
Small poll update... It's officially down. Nice while it lasted ^_~ As I promised 5 seconds ago (damn I'm addicted to Bloggin!) I will post another one soon ^_^
Michi poinged randomly at 12:45 PM
Poll... My poll is now thinner and sleeker, lol. Ok, I was bored and needed something to do ^_~
Capitals... Ok, I'm taking down the poll. I capitalized everything anyways, so it doesn't really matter anymore. And it was a stupid poll. I'll have a new poll up next week. =)
Michi poinged randomly at 12:43 PM
Took a quiz...
Take the What Color Dragon Should You Ride? Quiz
Made By:
myway and
LOL! XD Well, you heard the quiz! The quiz does not lie! Worship me! XD Jk... unless you want to ... *innocent look* ^_~
Edit: I had to resize it because it was offsetting my blog too much. I believe my poll is doing the same, but I'll take it down in a week. Anyways, this is what my quiz results said:
That's right, you're one of the lucky few that gets to ride the big mamma's! Mother to the weyr and all of it's hatchlings, others may say you're erratic and just a little bit prone to being over-bearing. But you know better, things had just better go your way. Afterall, you do ride the queen, and what her majesty wants, her majesty gets.
Then it says (W-O-R-S-H-I-P M-E) under the dragon. My color dragon is gold
Michi poinged randomly at 11:54 AM
Someone visited my blog!... LMAO I just posted the poll an hour ago and I decided to view the results, just for fun, and I noticed that it actually has 1 vote! And I haven't voted, and I haven't told my friends about my blog yet (considering none of them have gone on lately... BTW grrrrrr to them) so that means someone has actually viewed my site and voted! *does happy dance* Well, thanks to the one person that has viewed my site. I'm working on a comments form (right now it looks really crappy so I'm workin' on it) and then I can see the other people that view my site! Provided that they actually fill it out ^_~
Michi poinged randomly at 11:29 AM
Poll... is posted! Please vote so I can make my site look better XD I'll be adding buttons instead of links for each link soon, so look out for that XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:23 AM
Minor updates:
Scroll bar... Changed the scroll bar. Doesn't it look nifty now? XD
Birds of Prey... A new show based on the comic, Birds of Prey, is coming out this fall on the WB. It's called "Birds of Prey" and it's about Batman and Catwoman's daughter, Catgirl who has now been confined to a wheelchair, and the Black Canary's daughter. This might not all be completely accurate because I just began my obsession on it. XD Anyways, check out the forums (they're under links) because right now the forums are very lonely. Considering as it hasn't started yet, that's not surprising, but let's all go and post like maniacs, ok? ^_~
Capitals?... This was created with a no-capitals form instead of one with capitals. Do you think it looks better with capitals or without capitals? I'll be posting a poll soon, so just wait for that and then vote, lol ^_~
Michi poinged randomly at 10:05 AM
Wow, ok, a few updates and crap:
Archives... They're up and working! I figured out that they weren't working because I started the week with yesterday's date instead of the date of the start of the week *hits head* Doh! Anyways, they're working so even though there's nothing yet, they're there XD
Links... Added 2 links: Simple Plan and The Simple Plan link is a link to the site of my all-time favorite band, Simple Plan. is a fanfiction archive. It's massive. I have a few fics up there XD
Breakfast... I had pancakes. Pancakes are goooooood XD
Caitlin... Yesterday when the pizza dude/ette came, Caitlin (and the other birds) freaked out and Caitlin reinjured her wing. My poor little baby =(
So that's all for now. I'll add more later, of course =D
Michi poinged randomly at 8:51 AM
Friday, August 16, 2002
Ok, it's late enough, I should be getting to bed, but a thought occured to me: I could be totally wrong but, could it be that because I haven't archived up to a week yet that they archive isn't working? Possibility. Wait a week and find out, I guess. Anyways, see ya XD
Michi poinged randomly at 10:57 PM
Archives are not working and I have no clue when/if they will. I use a skin from BlogSkins and I don't know how to get the archive to work with a custom template. If anyone knows at all, please e-mail me to let me know. My e-mail's at the right. Just click the little button =D Please help me, I'd love to figure this out, but I've tried everything and they either come up to "page errors" or they come to this blank page that only has a link to the archive which would work, in theory, but it looks real ugly and I'd rather just have it work like it normally does. I'm almost tempted to give up my cute skin I have now for a custom skin. Please help me if you know how!!!!!!
Michi poinged randomly at 10:10 PM
Lol, I'm playing around with the skins a lot XD They'll be changing frequently as I see each new one. Thanks so much to BlogSkins for allowing a wide variety of templates to let me play with XD
Michi poinged randomly at 8:31 PM
First day up XD Thanks,, for having your site so I can have my own little blog ^_^
Today's events: Nothing, nothing, and nothing. I'm actually looking forward to school for one reason: NON-BOREDNESS! Of course that also means more work, but I'll live. For the first day, at least ^_~. Blah, I love my new pens. They're so mini! XD I'm gonna bring them to registeration, hehe. And my new pencils are so pro too. I dunno, I'm weird, but I aboslutely love shopping for school supplies. I love school supplies. XD They're just pro!!! XD And they have this really great "new" smell. Cuz their new. Amazing how logic works! ^_~ Ok, gonna go so I can make this page look better than it does now, cuz right now it's pretty lame~ Later ^_~
Oh yeah, one thing: Piper did the cutest thing yesterday. She was like resting on me and she put her foot behind her neck and started scratching her neck, like usually me or my parents do except she did it herself XD OMG it was SO kyut! XD
Michi poinged randomly at 7:35 PM